Australian Financial Services Licensing (AFSL) Forum

Home Forums Australian Financial Services Licensing (AFSL) Forum Finding an AFSL holder to become an Authorised Rep of

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Mohammad.
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  • #4907 Reply



    How does one find those companies that one can become an authorised representative of (assuming they have the authorisations one needs)?


    #4908 Reply

    Andrew Ham

    Hi Steven,

    Thanks for your question.

    ASIC maintains registers of both AFSL holders showing their authorised representatives, and of authorised representatives showing their licensees.  However, there is no easy way to find a licensee with the particular authorisations you require.  You may or may not find that licensees listed on the ASIC register are willing to appoint authorised representatives.  Depending on the industry you are in, the best course may be to seek potential leads from industry bodies, but you will otherwise need to rely on your own network.

    Becoming an authorised representative is a big decision and there are several things you need to consider. We would recommend that you familiarise yourself with the procedures and obligations located here.  This will ensure that the AFS licensee you identify as a potential partner not only has the necessary authorisations, but is a good cultural fit for your business.  You should also bear in mind that there are some financial services that only a licensee can provide.

    Please feel free to contact our Financial Services Team for further information.

    Author: Andrew Ham (Senior Lawyer)

    Co-contributor: Nicola Stevenson and Greta Walters (Law Clerks)


    #4909 Reply

    Z Adams

    Hi Steven,

    I think I may be able to assist you. We are a national and boutique financial services firm with offices across Australia, authorizing competent, and qualified personal who meet all regulatory requirements, the ability to provide financial services to their clients under our AFS License.



    #5225 Reply

    Kevin Lacey

    Hi Steven,

    My company has an AFSL licence and we are currently looking for partners to become authorised representatives.

    Feel free to reach out to me on 0457 380 484 or via email

    Kind Regards


    #5738 Reply

    Richard Webb

    Hi. I would also like to become an authorised representative for insurance products. Can you contact me also?

    #6492 Reply


    <span style=”color: #00b1dd; font-family: Lucida Grande, lucida_sans_unicoderegular;”><span style=”font-size: 12px;”>I am planning to open a new platform where we will select and under take multiple (small scale) real estate project to develop (buying land, organize development approval, appoint builder to build & deliver and sale) i.e. Boarding houses, Assisted Boarding Houses, Bread & Breakfast, Attached-Duplex/Duplex, Student Accommodation, Group Houses (Villa/Townhouses) , Blocks of units, neighborhood shopping villages, medical centers, motel, childcare centers etc. The business model we are thinking ; 1, create trust for each property separately with all interested investors .2. Invest fund as MDA and develop , deliver , sale and distribute profit among all investor per their investment ratio. Currently I am searching for an eligible AFSL holder to become their authorized representative. Thnaks</span></span>

    #6493 Reply


    <span style=”color: #00b1dd; font-family: Lucida Grande, lucida_sans_unicoderegular;”><span style=”font-size: 12px;”>I am planning to open a new platform where we will select and under take multiple (small scale) real estate project to develop (buying land, organize development approval, appoint builder to build & deliver and sale) i.e. Boarding houses, Assisted Boarding Houses, Bread & Breakfast, Attached-Duplex/Duplex, Student Accommodation, Group Houses (Villa/Townhouses) , Blocks of units, neighborhood shopping villages, medical centers, motel, childcare centers etc. The business model we are thinking ; 1, create trust for each property separately with all interested investors .2. Invest fund as MDA and develop , deliver , sale and distribute profit among all investor per their investment ratio. Currently I am searching for an eligible AFSL holder to become their authorized representative. </span></span>

    Please let me know if anyone can assist me with this

    <span style=”color: #00b1dd; font-family: Lucida Grande, lucida_sans_unicoderegular;”><span style=”font-size: 12px;”>Thanks</span></span>

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